Monday, January 26, 2015

Next meeting: No Toboganning due to weather..back indoors...

Since mother nature is not quite cooperating with us, we will have our January 28th meeting back indoors at St. Francis of Assisi.  If all goes well, we will retry for an outdoor meeting on the following week.

I have the rest of the popcorn orders and will be handing them out at the meeting, along with crests for those who participated.  We raised quite a few dollars that will go towards other events in the year.  Great work!

We have been invited to join the 14th Barrie group and hopefully a bunch of our groups for a Mini Winter Brr on Saturday, March 7th (1- 4pm).  I would like to get some numbers from you as to who would be available at that time.  The location is at Westside Lutheran Church in Barrie (corner of Ferndale Dr. and Livingstone St.).

We will also be participating in the council-wide camp "Camp-A-Lot" from May 29th - May 31st.  It will be hosted at the Orangeville Fair Grounds (247090 Side Road 5).  Please let me know if you are planning on having your child attend.  A deposit of $25.00 is required.  We will be looking for a couple volunteers across all of our sections (Scouts, Cubs, Beavers) to help our Treasurer Bonny plan out our menu and grocery plan.  If you have some time to offer, please let me know!



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Next Meeting: Mind Your P's and Q's.

We are back at St. Francis of Assisi on Wednesday, January 21st for our "Mind Your P's and Q's" themed meeting.  6:45pm.

I'm working on organizing some options for a Winter event for our group and hope to have plans ready for that soon.  I'm also hoping for some good snow so we can do a toboggan night in Alcona.  Though we often hope for the snow to stay away...let's look forward to a little bit so we aren't all just trying to slide down ice.

Thank You!


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tonights meeting cancelled

Unfortunately, due to a lack of available leaders, including myself who is fighting a bug, we are needing to cancel tonight's meeting.  We will pick up again on January 14th.  If you need to speak to me beforehand, give me a shout.

Yours in Scouting,


Monday, January 5, 2015

And.......We're Back!

1st Alcona Beavers return to our full schedule this coming Wednesday, the 7th at St. Francis of Assisi. During this meeting we invite all the Beavers to bring their favourite toy from the holiday season for a show and share.

Yours in Scouting,