Monday, March 30, 2015

Next meeting - Easter

Weather depending, we will have an Easter Egg hunt this week outside of the school.  Malek will be checking the school grounds tomorrow to see if it's not too squishy.  Please have your Beaver dressed for outdoor play, and if you can send them with a basket or bag, that would be great.  Plan B will have us in the gym for some Easter activities.  No matter what, each Beaver will receive a loot bag at the end of the meeting to take home.

More information coming shortly regarding our May activities.


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Return from March Break...

We reconvene our regular meeting schedule this coming Wednesday, the 25th of March at St. Francis of Assisi, where we will enjoy a night of storytelling and games.

The leaders all got together last week to discuss the rest of the year, and reconfigured some of our schedule based on the feedback we received from the Beavers in the group.  Every single meeting is now completely worked out and I will have a schedule to hand out at the next meeting.

Some important dates to consider.

If you have not yet paid me your deposit for any Beavers attending our Camp-A-Lot camp in May, please bring it this week.  It's a $25.00 deposit or $45.00 for the full amount, unless I've spoken to you in advance about the refund from Winter Brr.

Naughty Raccoon
The White Tail Beavers have been invited to join the Cubs at St. Francis Catholic School on April 21st and April 28th.  These two Tuesday meetings will give the elder Beavers an opportunity to see how the Cubs conduct a meeting and hopefully whet their appetites for the exciting opportunities next year will have for them.  There is still no word on a White Tail camp...unfortunately the camp we normally used has suffered a massive amount of damage from wildlife (sorry, my brother raccoons were naughty), and our backup camp has been damaged by the terrible winter we've experienced.  As soon as a backup-backup has been decided upon I will let you know.

We are planning one more camp for early May...a one-nighter this time in a location at Big Bay Point.  We will have the date for that locked down soon.



Monday, March 16, 2015

No Beavers This Week

This is just a reminder that due to March Break, there will be no Beaver meeting this week.  We'll see all of you next week, hopefully with some cool stories of what the boys did did over the break.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Winter Brr wrap-up and more

Most of the boys from 1st Alcona attended Winter Brr on Saturday, March 7th, and had a lot of fun playing in the snow.  They worked as a team to pull Rusty around in our specially decorated toboggan, and had an opportunity to meet two members from the Barrie Colts, who came out to help with hockey.  The texture of the snow was not completely cooperating with building snow forts, so that activity was replaced with a hybrid version of snow Soccer.  They also managed to work their ways inside for a snack and some hot chocolate to listen to me telling a fun story about a Bear, a Moose and a Beaver having a canoeing adventure called Up The Creek by Nicholas Oldland (highly recommended for your bookshelf).  It was a great day!

If you have not yet given me your boys sizes for T-Shirt orders, please drop me a note or come see me at the meeting on Wednesday.  These are being specially printed for our group (Scouts, Cubs and Beavers) with the 1st Alcona logo...and will be great as an addition to our uniform for group activities.  Our section is absorbing the $10.00 fee for this.

Camp-A-Lot is fast approaching (May 29-31), and I need to get a $25.00 non-refundable deposit (Total is $45.00) for those boys who will be attending the camp.  I also need final numbers this meeting to satisfy our Council's attendance records.  Please take the time to inform me Yes or No if you have not done so already via e-mail or in person.  I normally have a spot in the sign-in sheet for your convenience.

Finally, if you have not done so already, give a hearty welcome to Rusty and Chip, our two newest leaders.  Rusty has been with us for a few months but certain technology issues were stopping him from being official.  Well, they both are official now and we are delighted to have them with us helping out.

This meeting will be our last before March Break, and will be in the school.

Any questions, please let me know.


Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Winter Brr

For those Beavers who will be joining us at Winter Brr on Saturday, March 7th, here is what you need to know:

The location is at: Westside Lutheran Church, which is located at the corner of Ferndale Dr. and Livingstone St. W.  Best route would be to take 400 to Dunlop - go west, and then go north on Ferndale.

It is vital to be there for 12 SHARP so we can get organized.  They will give us our armbands by 12:30 and then opening ceremonies will start at 12:45.

They are asking the Beavers to all know this little's easy.  If you could just show them this in advance, that's great...otherwise I will run them all through the song before we start.

Tune: "I’m a Little Teapot"
l’m a Little Beaver, short & stout (crouch)
Here is my tail, (exaggerate pulling a tail)
Here is my snout (big gesture to touch nose)
When you pull my tail (exaggerate pulling tail outwards)
Hear me shout
I'm a Little Beaver, now cut that out
The first activity will be the Leader Pull, which all groups will participate in together
We will then split into a rotating schedule, where our activities include:
Hockey (possibly refereed by actual Barrie Colts players)
Long Ski's
Storytime (run by yours truly)
Closing ceremonies should start at 3:05, and pick-up is listed for between 3:30pm and 4pm.  Each child will receive a special Winter Brr 2015 Mug and Patch for participating.
Any further questions, please let me know!
