Saturn, here I come! |
This Wednesday we will be at St. Francis of Assisi, where we will run a craft activity. Flight Week #1 will involve the boys building their own toy rocket. As part of this, I ask if everyone could please send their child with a 500ml or 750ml water/pop plastic bottle, which we will use as the foundation of the toy. I will have a large selection of construction paper that we will cut into the shapes needed...and from experience I think we will go with scotch tape vs glue to hold everything together. We then still have lots of stickers and crayons that the boys can use to personalize them.

Another aspect of the craft that actually fits a Scouts Canada agenda is the concept of recycling. From today to May 3rd, Scouts Canada are endorsing a Good Turn week...where we encourage all members of Scouting to be helpful to others - whether that be their friends, family or the community at large. It also fits that Tree Planting is on May 3rd!!!

A reminder to the White Tails that they have one more Cub meeting that they may attend this session....this Tuesday the 28th at Holy Cross Catholic School. 6:45 - 8:15. We only had one Beaver come to the last one, so it would be great if we can get more so they get to know you! Last weeks hike was postponed, so they may be doing it this week....please bring options for outdoor OR indoor play depending on weather. If you have specific questions about the evening, you can contact Sandra Slade at sanslade@rogers.com.
One more thing before I sign off. Another major aspect of Scouts Canada that we need to endorse more is outdoors play...whether that be sports, hiking, camping or anything that will keep that great big ball in the sky shining good Vitamin D on your child's skin. Many families don't actually have the supplies that could encourage the kids to play more so I will begin posting local deals that I'm hearing about to help you out. If you have one for me that you'd like to share, please send it to me!
- Ethan's dad Craig contacted me about a deal at http://www.kingsdistribution.ca/ in Barrie, where they had an Coleman 8 person tent on sale for $100.00. Supplies may be limited.
- There is a Mountain Warehouse at the Tangers Mall, and they are having a Summer Event sale on April 30th from 3pm-10pm. They will have demos as well. I already sent out an e-mail to everyone...but if it's been lost and you'd like to see it again, please let me know and I'll get that to you right away.