Leaders and youth members will work
together to promote good behavior within the group, while enjoying a program
packed with fun and adventures.
Rules of Beaver Behaviour
• All beavers must agree to join in and work as a
• Beavers and their leaders will listen to each other
when talking.• Beavers will not punch, hit, slap, grab, bite, take someone’s hat or push another Beaver.
• No Beaver will make fun of anyone else; no bullying or name-calling.
• No Beaver will use language that is inappropriate.
Consequences of
Unacceptable Behaviour
• Beavers will be taken away from the group
and given a first time warning about
their behaviour.
• With a second warning, the Beaver must “sit
out” an activity.• With a third warning, a Leader will speak with the parent to explain the recurring problem, also the Beaver will be sent home with a note which the parent must sign.
• With a fourth warning, a Leader will meet with the parent to discuss other measures, which may include:
We hope that with the Beavers, Parents and Leaders working together to enforce these rules we will have the best year yet!
Tim Norton (Ringtail)
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