First we found an actual cache left by somebody within the wide expanse of a tree, which gave us an opportunity to quiz the youngsters about the tree itself and some of its properties. The youngsters learned about how some geocache's only contain a logbook, which we happily signed our groups names to. 1st Alcona Beavers has found their first geocache...and I'm certain it will not be its last.
As we were losing light fast, our next activity was a quick scavenger with a prize using distance and direction. Tic Tac would announce North 5 paces, West 10 paces, etc; until all the boys found themselves in the area where a treasure could be found. And what was it? Well, what would any young boy be happy to find...a treat! Potato Chips for everyone!
By the time this was finished we were in complete darkness, and as Centennial Park does not have much lighting we decided to wrap things up. We performed our closing, and off the boys went to dreams of finding their own cache's on further days.
As section leader of 1st Alcona Beavers, my goal this year is to inspire the youth to pursue more and more activities that they would not normally get a chance to do, and I think Tic Tac did an amazing job of inspiring everyone about geocaching. Even a lot of parents approached me and said how they look forward to doing more of this with their families. Well done sir!
Good night and busy building tomorrow Beavers!
For those who would like to see it, this is the official FOUND IT!! log that I entered for the 1stAlconaBeavers on geocaching.com
I am hopeful that the colony will to be able to do this again when the weather is cooperative. Personally, I think geocaching a great activity for all ages! Thanks to all that particiapted!
The Owner of this geocache left me a very nice note that I would like to share...
ReplyDelete"We are very happy to be a part of your new adventure! Geocaching is fun for all ages and sometimes the younger cachers are better at spotting the caches than older ones, so the playing field is level. I was a Girl Guide leader for 17 years. The last few years I was a Spark leader. As part of our year end party, I used to plant "caches" in an area and divide the girls into groups so they would each have to find one of the caches. At each location, they would find parts of our meal---plates/serviettes, buns, weiners, condiments, dessert, etc. Even in a confined area, like a school yard, we were able to hide things to make it fun.
I hope your Beavers have a wonderful year, and thank you for introducing them to geocaching!
Columbus and Isabella"