Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Beaver Buggy Races and Winter Brrr.

On Wednesday the 18th of February we will be racing our Beaver Buggies at St. Francis of Assisi.  Please ensure your child brings their completed Beaver Buggy....we don't want them to miss out.

We will also be collecting money for Winter Brr. 

Here are the details:

Date: Saturday March 7, 2015

Location: Westside Lutheran Church (corner Ferndale Dr/Livingstone Barrie)

Please arrive at 12:00...we will be starting at 12:30 and need time to get the kids orientated.  

We should be wrapped by 4:00pm

Cost: $10/Beaver (includes Crest and take home Mug)

Bring an Item for the Food Bank - Fill a Truck!

Any questions, just let me know!


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