As we do not have access to the school this week, we will be out collecting food for the local food bank. With Thanksgiving coming up we are aware that there are many families in the area who could use as much assistance as possible, so we will be going door to door collecting non-perishable food items.

As parking at St. Francis of Assisi may be at a premium, we will meet at the South East corner of the Nantyr Shores parking lot to set up teams, and head out from there. I have been recommended to target MacLean Street, but if anybody who lives in the area has another recommendation please send it my way. If every child in the group (pending 28) show up we should be able to do very well by dividing into 7 groups of four. To this point, as our new leaders are not able to be counted as part of ratio I am asking if as many parents as possible will be available to walk with their children it would be greatly appreciated. Please supply your child with a strong shopping bag - preferably not a plastic one - to collect the food stuffs. Also, if anybody has any boxes to hold the food items I would appreciate it. Finally, if I could get some volunteers to follow along the kids in their vehicles to collect the items I'd appreciate it. One vehicle per team would be perfect.
The food will be delivered to the Innisfil Community Church along with the Cubs and Scouts collected food. We raised 500lb of food last year with the Cubs alone...I see no reason why we shouldn't able to double that this year.
Popcorn paperwork is in, and I will be handing out the forms and the end of the meeting. We have two wonderful parents who have stepped up to assist with coordinating the collection of money (thank you Mandy and Lori!). We have a fairly short window to do the sales this's looking like money will need to be collected on October 21th, and the products should be available by the first week of December.

For those of you who have already received their PRC forms from me, can you please let me know if you've gotten them into South Simcoe Police? I have more now for those who have asked...please approach me so I can get them into your hands. I need to ensure that the plans I have for the rest of the fall and winter will work with available leaders...and I need to know how many sets of badges, scarves and neckers I need to order for investiture in October (that's right, leaders need to be invested too!). I will have a new leader discussion either prior/post the following meeting so that everybody understands what they still need to do and/or what is expected of them as leaders in 1st Alcona Beavers.
Any questions, do not hesitate to reach out.
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