Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Final meeting of 2015

The 1st Alcona Beavers will meet one more time before Christmas this coming Wednesday the 16th of December.  At this meeting we intend to build some tree ornaments, play a few games and have our usual amount of fun.

During the Christmas Break, before we return on January 6th I will be working with the rest of the leaders, both veteran and new to solidify the rest of the year schedule and hopefully put the stages together for the group split.  I have some leads on new meeting places for colony "B" which I am following up on this week.
Part of me is sad to split the group but it is essential for the growth of the Beavers in the program and establishes a good foundation for the group going forward.

We are definitely looking for more external activities...and since this Winter season has kind of crept up on us like a whining lamb rather than a lion we need a good assortment of choices that are both indoors and outdoors in nature.  If you have an idea yourself or know someone who has some kind of business or skill that we could utilize, please forward them to me.  There are times when I realize that even though I've lived in the neighborhood for five years and had grandparents who lived in Sandy Cove acres for years beforehand, I really don't always know all of the cool opportunities that exist here.  I'd love to be educated so that I may educate others.

As always, never hesitate to contact me if you have concerns or comments.  I believe strongly in community and together we make this program run more efficiently.

Yours in Scouting,


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