Sunday, October 16, 2016

Apple Day Wrap-Up

From L-R - Jonathan Boardman, Jahdai Jackson, Daniel Boardman and Nathan Morissette
gave out Apples at Sobeys in Alcona.

From L-R.  Scouter Brendan Greenbury with his son's
Aidan and Micah handed out Apples at No Frills in Alcona.
The 1st Alcona Scouting movement (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) were out in force from October 14-15th in Alcona and Lefroy, handing out Apples as part of their yearly fundraising efforts.  The Spartan apples were locally sourced from Carpe Diem in Stroud

All in told, the group raised $1626.42, of which 70% goes directly to youth programming, handling the costs of craft supplies and subsidizing outdoors activities like camps.  Of the other 30% raised, 10% goes into a Jamboree fund and the other 20% is used to provide Scouters with uniforms, pays for Police Reference Checks and covers other volunteer based expenses.

We at 1st Alcona wish to thank the communities of Alcona and Lefroy for giving so generously.  The pride in these youth's faces when they know they personally were responsible for collecting funds was tremendous to behold.  These are memories they will always carry forward.

Thought about enrolling your child in Scouts?  We still do have space in our sections and would be more than happy to accommodate you.  We are always looking for more Scouters as well.  If you enjoy working with youth and would be willing to donate some of your time to this cause we would love to hear from you.  For more information you can contact our Group Administrator, Tim Norton at or by phone at 416-871-5744.

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